Case Study: Health Club

Case Study: Health Club

In the last few years, health club memberships have dropped in price due to increasing industry competition. To stay profitable, gyms must serve hundreds of clients with a small staff, and our example gym is no exception. The gym’s owners knew that it was easier...

Which HR Tasks Have You Automated?

Most companies try to save money and improve efficiency by automating workflows. Some organizations with advanced tech in other departments are in the Dark Ages when it comes to Human Resources. If you want to improve efficiency at your organization, start with...

Short Staffed? Offer Flexible Schedules.

Many business owners are stuck in 1990 when it comes to flexible schedules. This is unfortunate. Providing flexible schedules benefits everyone at your company. It’s also a must if you want to hire qualified millennials. They are becoming the largest group in...

Improve Shift Scheduling For Happier Employees

Good scheduling is important for your customers as well as employees. You can dramatically improve your schedules with shift scheduling software. When you schedule better, your employees can serve your customers better. Spreadsheets don’t cut it....

Case Study: Residential Care Facility

Today’s case study explains how WorkforceHub cleaned up an employee scheduling mess at an 18-bed group home for adults with chronic mental illness. The long-term care facility needed relief from continual employee scheduling confusion that had decreased staff...