Lower Payroll Costs With a Biometric Time Clock

Many business owners think biometric time clocks cost too much for the average SMB. Actually, this misconception is far more expensive. It prevents business owners from getting one. It is the lack of a biometric time clock that increases the cost of doing business....

Top 3 Reasons Your Labor Costs Are Too High

While labor expenses are not something that business owners can completely eliminate, we have yet to encounter a business that cannot find ways to reduce them. A reduction in labor costs provides an immediate monetary benefit, so it’s easy to measure the ROI....

PBJ File Rejected? Let’s Fix It.

Today’s post is for PBJ (Payroll Based Journal) managers at skilled nursing facilities who have had a PBJ file rejected by the CMS. Whether you entered the data manually or used a PBJ reporting platform, you are probably anxious to identify and correct the...

Why Should You Improve Onboarding At Your Company?

How often do you examine the importance of onboarding? Business owners have a tendency to concentrate on recruiting at the expense of onboarding. Though recruiting is important, it’s only the first step in helping an employee become invested in your company....